Wednesday, April 27, 2011

02/15/06 Architecture

I like looking at buildings. I've always loved to look at cool houses and neat buildings. Lou and Ty and I used to go to the Parade of Homes and decide which houses we'd like to live in best. Of course one of the most memorable events on one of those tours wasn't the beautiful designs but the fact that Lou let Ty drive that awful white van of hers. Ohmygod.

However, here in Seattle, I find myself looking at the buildings downtown when I walk from the bus to the shop, or when I'm out running errands. There are some wonderful new buildings, all shimmering, watery glass in curving and geometrical shapes that just draw the eye. There's this great waterfall-type fountain on Fourth that I love walking past, 'cause the sound is soothing, and it's nice to watch the whitewater rushing down the sides. The huge glass case on the corner by that incredibly tall black BoA building has a series of slowly twirling glass discs that catch the light. It's either beautiful or blinding, depending.

But mostly I like the older stuff. The old brick and stone. There are some amazing small decorative embellishments and friezes on the buildings downtown. When I sit on the little wall outside the salad shop waiting for my bus, I'm always looking for details that I might have missed. There's a small alley between the building I work in and the one next door that reminds me of London, around the law school, if I remember right. Oh my, it takes me back, especially when it's cold and you've got that smell of damp chill and diesel and hot food.

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