Okay, we need them. I'm not denying that.
But let's talk about etiquette, shall we? The restroom in our part of the building serves less than a dozen of us (depending on how many people the hair ladies have in and how many of them have to go potty), and I have no idea what the guys' restroom is like, but generally ours is clean. However.
What does it take to NOT pee on the toilet seat? If you're a girl? Please?
Of course I can wipe off the seat, and I did. At least I didn't have to deal with the cell phone lady. One of the customers from the hair ladies came into the restroom when my co-worker was in there a while back, and she was chatting on her phone the entire time. It's a small room and everything echoes, and tinkling is...well, it was difficult, I understand. But cell phone etiquette is another matter. Just suffice it to say that there's nothing you need to say in a public bathroom on your phone.
But I was impressed with the reception she was getting. There is that.
There's a porta-potty (privs in the Outlands, biffies up here) just outside our shop - there's been a lot of construction going on - and I was vaguely amused to catch a guy peeing next to it. I shrugged and walked on, he zipped up and sauntered off, and I wondered just how nasty it was in there. Those of us in the SCA are used to porta-potties, but there are some that just don't get the attention they should, so I do kinda understand why he was whizzing in the alley. Or maybe he just had to go...but no. It was kind of a statement. I guess that's why the apartments in that building are so cheap. Well, that and they're about the size of your average hotel closet.
We have a new transit center for the buses, and it's really spiffy, bright and shiny new. When I was at the old center, one of the workers pointed out that the new center would have public restrooms. I smiled and nodded, and I'm glad, I really am! The cases that hold the bikes in the old station really smell like urine when it gets warm, so having public restrooms will be good. But...I'm not gonna use them. Nope. The transit center's close enough to home, and they scare me. If I've really gotta go, well, Wendys is nearby.
So, yay for public restrooms! But I'd still rather be home, y'know?
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