When I was teaching, one of the things I told my drama classes to be aware of was silly things people do and say. If they added them into performances, it added that little touch of realism.
You know, things like testing pool water with your toe, and then with your fingers, in case your toes were wrong. Or flipping the light switch on and off repeatedly while staring at the light that wasn't coming on. Or tasting something that is a little off, then handing it to someone else, asking, "Does this taste funny to you?" - and frequently the other person actually tastes it! Have you notice that if you stare up at nothing in the air, others will join you at staring, and eventually someone will say they've seen whatever it is you say you're looking for?
But the silly thing on my mind right now is a something my doctor said about my hand. He said, "You don't have to brace your hand. Just don't use it."
Think about it. My right hand is my dominant hand. I'll grant you that ten years ago (ohmygod, it's been 10 years!) I broke my right elbow, and it was in a cast for a week, and a sling for four more, so I did get used to doing more things left-handed, but even then I could use my fingers. But now I'm not supposed to use my hand at all? I have to work, and a lot of people think that working in a bookstore is easy, but books are heavy, they come in boxes, and I'm naturally clumsy. Need I really say more? And cash registers need input, things have to be written down...well, like any job, you need your hands.
I mean, what job do you NOT need your hands for? Really? Sheesh.
So, my hand hurts, hence the rant. I go back to the doc on Monday, after what promises to be an incredibly hectic Saturday, and I may have grumpy things to say. But I'll be seeing my primary doc, not a substitute one like last time, and so I'm sure she'll be more realistic. I hope so, anyway.
Don't use my hand....grrrr....
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