Thursday, March 24, 2011

01/20/06 What prompted this.

This is a two-part post.

Why a blog? Well, because I like to write, and I promised Lillian I'd work at writing more. This is a good way to do it, and while it's not publication, it is public. And it's stretching my computer knowledge.

Why the ramblings at all? That's more complicated.

A few years ago, a friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. I've known Lou since we were kids. I was ten, she was nine, we met at the local swimming pool where I ran my head into her stomach, and we were inseparable from that point on. We went through the trials and tribulations of high school, where she was the really smart one and I was the skinny blonde one. Fill in the picture of your stereotypical small-town kids here. We went to the local state university, I majored in education, she majored in theatre - thereby guaranteeing she'd never get a job since we were in New Mexico. Basically we stayed in the same college town, two hours from where we'd grown up, and we spent a lot of our time together, partying, crying over rotten boyfriends, and just generally getting along with life. But she got cancer, and we started to pay a bit more attention to things. She fought and fought, but in the end it was the victor, and I spent most of the following year settling her estate. In the process, I did some serious thinking about who I am and what I'd been through, and where I wanted to go with my life. Hence, these ramblings.

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