Thursday, March 24, 2011

01/27/06 Unpacking

Okay the Collector leads me to the issue of unpacking. We moved into this house a year ago, and we'll be here for several years, but it might just take us all those years to get unpacked. My nightmare is that we'll finally get the house the way we want it, and we'll move again. But that's a different issue. Unpacking is one of the most entertaining things in the world, juxtaposed with being one of the biggest pains in the ass I can think of.

Now some of you are organized, you know just what's in each box, where it goes, and what order it's to be opened in. Understand that it is with complete and total envy that I say I hate you. And it's not true, of course it's not. I wish I could be so organized, but I'm not, never gonna be. I start off organized, but then it kinda devolves into a continuous state of low-level panic. But that's what makes unpacking such entertainment. I'll open a box I've carefully marked "Sweaters" only to find four CD cases - two without CD's - three sweaters, a shoe, a plastic doohickey of some sort, pens or pen caps but never both, bank statements I meant to get around to double-checking, and who knows what all else. It's a treasure hunt. And I'll be inspired as to where something has to go and boxes will be emptied in a flash. Then the unpacking muse is gone and I'm stuck with three partly empty boxes, no room anywhere, and the certain knowledge that I need something in an as-yet unfound box before I can go any further.

Unpacking in this house is going to be done this year, I swear it is!

But I could be wrong...

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