Thursday, March 24, 2011

01/21/06 Friends

Hey, thanks for reading and commenting! How cool! And yes, suggestions are always welcome! And so that leads me to my thoughts for today - friends.

When all is said and done and at the end of the day, having friends is one of the warmest realizations you can have. Real friends, not online chat buddies, people who can come to your house and not be shocked at the fact that the dishes are still in the sink, that you forgot to pick up your socks, that there's still dog and cat hair on the carpet. Friends might notice, but they aren't there to critique, they're there for your company. Lovers come and go, but friends are yours for life. With a true friend, you can pick up right where you left off, and it's like no time has passed. I moved away from New Mexico for several years, moved up to the frozen north of Minnesota (and talk about culture shock, but it's incredibly beautiful!) but whenever I went back to New Mexico and picked up with my old friends, it was as if I'd never left. I could fall into the same old routines and comfortable ways, like coming home to a favorite chair and slippers. I've always been aware that I've got good friends, but with Lou's death, I now treasure them more than ever!

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