Saturday, March 26, 2011

02/02/06 Rain

When Ty graduated from high school, he and I had a deal that I could leave New Mexico, and I did, moved to Minnesota. Partly my deep desire to move was because of the unrelenting sunshine in New Mexico. Grey days were to be savored because they really don't last.

Minnesota was better, more trees, lots of wild water (as opposed to the rationed, domestic water in New Mexico), four actual seasons and lots more grey skies. Lots more snow too, but those memories are for another post. Humid heat in the summer, which I hadn't expected. Still, there were lots of grey skies, and I did enjoy them. But then it was time to leave Minnesota, and eventually it was time to leave New Mexico again as well.

Here in Washington, we've had near-record rain and grey days. Summers are sunny and warm - not hot in New Mexico terms, and not hot and humid in Minnesota terms, except for about 2 weeks in July or August - although my co-worker Tammy gasps in despair if the temperatures get much over 85. She's not alone. Our summers generally run in the upper 70's to low 80's. We can go for a couple of months, sometimes up to three, without rain then.

Lately, though, it's been consistently rainy, sometimes windy, with scattered sun breaks. People have been suffering from SAD, it's made a lot of people grumpy and we've had monumental mudslides, although California still has us beat in that regard. And I've loved it lots! I'm not depressed, and while I wish my hair wouldn't attach itself to the steamy bus windows on the ride home, the wet has been fabulous. Now, Lillian and the crew she works with are justifiably grumbly, since they're out along a highway in the rain and wind and sleet and hail and sometimes snow, and let's face it, people drive like idiots around road crews. But I spend limited time out in the water, and I really love the grey days, the smell of wet grass and trees, the way the drops sparkle on the leaves. And early in the morning, frequently I leave the bedroom window open, and I've discovered that I sleep really well when I'm tucked into a lovely warm bed with cool, fresh air slipping around my nose and the sound of rain falling in the trees outside.

When I moved away from New Mexico, plenty of people told me I'd learn to hate the grey skies, and maybe someday I will, but for now, I'm loving it!

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