Saturday, March 26, 2011

02/03/06 Super Bowl fever

I don't have it. I mean, I like football, and this is the first city I've lived in where the local team made it to the Superbowl and I should be jazzed. It's seriously in the air here. Even the homeless guys, after asking for spare change, are wishing the Hawks good luck. One said, "Have a good Hawks day, you hear?" I smiled and nodded, but it left me puzzled. These guys are serious. I mean the homeless guys. They're taking some kind of intense pride in being homeless in Seattle, and it's 'cause of the Seahawks.

And I don't get it. I'm just not there in the frenzy. It could be because we haven't lived here long enough for me to know the players and be invested in them, but I knew the Vikings players after a couple years in Minnesota. But here...I seem to be missing the Seahawks gene.

I finally realized that the closest I'd ever be to feeling the kind of high that I'm supposed to feel is if the Outlands swept Estrella by itself, no allies, just kicked ass and took heavy, light, arts, the whole thing. Oh baby! Then I'd be wired and hyper...just like all the people I see on TV, in the streets.

But then Mother Nature's teasing us up here. We're supposed to get a huge wind storm tonight, and power might be out in some places, possibly for a couple of days. Can you imagine the sheer rage of fans if their power goes out and they can't see the game? First time the Hawks go for the gold? Oh my goodness. It's too awful to be contemplated.

We might very well be watching the game anyway, although as all those who have seen me around sporting events will testify, if I watch, the team I'm rooting for will lose, so perhaps I'll do something else. You know, just to give the Hawks a fighting chance.

In any case, it's gonna be a wild weekend up here!

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