Thursday, March 24, 2011

1/20/06 Introducing. . .me

So, these are my thoughts, and why should you listen? Why not?

I'm not anyone in particular, special in my own way (as my mother often told me), but no one you'd really notice in the streets, and you've never heard of me, so why should you care what I say? Well, there's really no reason, but these are simply observations I've had and, while I know I'm not speaking for everyone, I suspect I'm speaking for more of us than you might think. You might even be one of us!

Us? Who's us? What us? Well, we're just everyday folks, middle of the road, middle class, with enough personal quirks to make us unique, but no one you're ever gonna read about in the Sunday Times. Obituaries don't count. I'll grant you, I'm not Susie Homemaker next door, but I'm not so far distant from her either.

Brief background into who I am, so you'll know where our lives intersect and where mine ran screaming different from yours - and we might both be surprised at both places. I'm an almost-fifty woman in the US, born into a middle-class family, product of a divorced mother and father, went to public school, have a step-father and a half-brother, got a college education in teaching, went through several different jobs - receptionist, secretary, dispatcher, brief stint as a case worker in a juvenile detention facility, finally taught for ten years in a border high school, and ended up in a bookstore, which I love, incidentally. I was probably more sexually active than people would be comfortable with, what with the 70's being what they were and all, and lucky enough to get out of the arena before HIV and AIDS hit hard. I got pregnant in an abusive relationship, dropped the man and kept the kid, got married to a sweet man and fit societal norms for a while, then, in a series of life-changing events a few years ago, shook everything up and fell in love with a lovely lady and am now in a committed lesbian relationship.

See? The same, and yet...not exactly.

So, while I haven't lived in a box on the streets, nor have I lived in the big house on the hill, I have been around a bit, and I've watched people, and I've spent the last couple of years really looking at me, and I thought I'd share what I've discovered.

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